Trans Fertility Resource Library

Article Trystan Reese Article Trystan Reese

Going from “Daddy” to “Mommy”: What Will I Tell My Kids?

Although when coming out there may be an initial strain on the family, studies have shown that having a parent come out and transition can actually strengthen the relationships in a family over time. Living your authentic truth not only frees you from the constraints of a closeted life but it also encourages your children to be more open-minded about diversity and shows them what it means to be honest about who you are even in difficult circumstances.

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Article, Research Trystan Reese Article, Research Trystan Reese

Transgender Youth & Fertility: How and Why We Should Plan for the Future

Although many options are available, the majority of trans youth do not end up preserving their fertility. We simply don’t know enough yet about whether these youth will have regrets about their decision, but the authors of this 2017 study draw parallels to the millions of adults who experience infertility and identify that struggles with fertility cause multiple negative psychosocial impacts.

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Article Trystan Reese Article Trystan Reese

Preparing for Pregnancy as a Non-Binary Person

Preparing for pregnancy as a non-binary person will take a bit of an extra effort, but many have found that if done in a thoughtful, mindful, sustainable way. In a way that's tailored to the individual identity and experience of the pregnant person, many have found that it can be an extra effort well beyond worth taking.

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Webinar Trystan Reese Webinar Trystan Reese

FertilityIQ: Trans Men and Fertility

Going into transition, or even after, fertility can seem like an afterthought. But the decisions made throughout transition can have lasting impacts on fertility. We break down the important decisions you'll need to make about fertility preservation and reproductive options, balancing that with the desire for various steps in gender-affirming transitions. We also cover resiliency strategies with tactical steps you can take to advocate for yourself during the process.

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Webinar Trystan Reese Webinar Trystan Reese

FertilityIQ: Trans Women and Fertility

Going into transition, or even after, fertility can seem like an afterthought. But the decisions made throughout transition can have lasting impacts on fertility. We break down the important decisions you'll need to make about fertility preservation and reproductive options, balancing that with the desire for various steps in gender-affirming transitions. We also cover resiliency strategies with tactical steps you can take to advocate for yourself during the process.

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Webinar Trystan Reese Webinar Trystan Reese

Trans Fertility 101: Recorded Webinar

In this workshop, trans educator Trystan Reese covers several aspects of trans fertility, including the impacts of hormones on fertility and lactation, information on fertility preservation, myths and facts on trans pregnancy, and more!

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